"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find the answer within himself."

(Galileo Galilei)

Personal aspects

What does your desk look like normally?

In the middle there is a small clear space for my laptop and all around it are different-sized piles of documents, books and to-do lists. I am old-fashioned in that respect. On the one hand, it really annoys me now and again (then I’ll tidy up, sort things and throw things away), but on the other hand, it somehow gives me the feeling of being productive. I don’t put up with any nonsense where my desk is concerned - my family are forbidden to put anything on it or touch anything.

What characteristic would you like to possess?

The patience of a saint! I am a rather restless and somewhat impatient person. Things really can’t move quickly enough for me and I normally like to be doing more than one thing at any given time. Although I have become more patient in the last few years - mainly because of my children - I would still sometimes like to be a bit more patient. Although: I do think that my impatience results in a lot of energy.☺

What do your friends value in you?

That I can listen. Not just accoustically but with empathy, understanding and real interest in them. I hear that now and again. Listening is the most important quality in a friendship and we practise it a lot in my circle of friends.

What do you have to have with you for the perfect holiday?

My holiday wishes are really quite simple. All I need for a perfect holiday is my family, comfortable clothes and an inspiring book. Everything else can be found wherever I’m on holiday. For me, a perfect holiday - and I’m more the summer-holiday-beach-type - is all about peace and quiet, relaxing and switching off. Days where I only have to think about basic needs (hunger, thirst, tiredness) are really relaxing. Unfortunately, they are few and far between ...

What would you learn in the blink of an eye?

How to surf, ride the waves. I love snowboarding – and got on a board for the first time 20 years ago - and I think surfing looks incredibly aesthetic and impressively spectacular to watch. However, water isn’t really my element and so I’ll stick to being an avid observer.

What journey has left the deepest impression on you?

I travelled alone to Seoul 15 years ago for an interview. I was invited to the company’s headquarters and I was to give a presentation on the German market. The organised socialising - eating and get-togethers - was also part of the interview, something I was not aware of at the time. The trip didn’t just make a lasting impression on me because of the monstrous jet-lag. I did not know the language (could not even read it), English didn’t really help me, there were no street names etc. That I was able to get around and have a look at the city makes me proud of myself in retrospect.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

I can actually remember playing ‘school’ with my cuddly toys when I was little. I spent hours meticulously making schoolbooks and holding small group sessions. I think it’s genetic. My mother was a teacher and my father was a university lecturer - so I wasn’t much different...

Who was the biggest influence in supporting you in your career?

I spent the first few years of my career in London and worked for several years for a small and very international company. When I started, there were 35 employees of 30 different nationalities. The boss and founder was a Finn and he has followed and supported me, even when I was working for another company. He represented the nearest thing to a mentor, thoughtful and inspiring in his manner. The fact that this man has been an icon in Silicon Valley for years and has led several companies to million-dollar exits demonstrates his vision and talent. I am very grateful for this experience.