"For me, trust and a positive attitude are the cornerstones that pave the way to success. I see every step as an opportunity to grow and learn."  

Personal aspects

What is your favourite holiday destination?

I am an absolute fan of Italy. Delicious wine, pizza and pasta, a beautiful sunset and a good mix of hiking, relaxing by the pool or the sea and partying make the perfect Italian vacation for me.

After a long day at work, you get caught in a traffic jam that will hold you up for hours - how do you react?

Being annoyed doesn't help much, so I use the time to make long overdue calls to family members or friends, listen to a podcast or sing a round to loud music.

What dream would you like to fulfil?

I would like to restore an old farm or similar to create a meeting place for people. Lots of animals, a small café and a store with regional products? That would be great!

What does the perfect start to the day look like?

Social media has taught me the expression "hurkle-durkle", which perfectly describes my ideal start to the day: Jumping back into bed after getting up to enjoy a coffee. Although I haven't checked the exact meaning, I like the idea of it, especially in spring with an open window, sunshine and birdsong. Just great!

What did you want to become as a child?

As a child, fashion design was at the top of my list. I loved sewing and always had fun with fashion. Unfortunately, I lost sight of the craft a bit, but this year I have made a firm resolution to design clothes according to my own ideas.

What's your motto when it comes to work?

My motto at the moment is quite clear: just jump in at the deep end. In my work at Movendo, I have many opportunities to do this, where I can face new challenges without hesitation and learn from them. In my opinion, this is a good approach to promote personal growth.

Who has inspired you professionally?

It's really inspiring how my colleagues at Movendo can talk so positively and full of enthusiasm about their work and the meaning behind it. It's a pleasure to experience this euphoria time and time again.

When are you inspired by a training session?

I find a training session particularly inspiring when both we and the participants can take home plenty of valuable insights. It's always great when everyone leaves the training at the end of the day with a smile.