Susanne Stock

#favouritemodel No. 32 - SCARF - Psychological Safety

We all know our physiological needs. We need to eat and drink enough every day, we need a certain indoor or outdoor temperature to avoid freezing or…

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Katrin Aust

#favouritemodel No. 31 - The ART of delegation

One of the main reasons to delegate tasks is "To set people up for success", i.e. to empower employees. The focus here is on learning. Of course,…

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Marc Chmielewski

#favouritemodels No. 30 - Leading leaders

When a leader's own employees themselves have leadership responsibility for teams or parts of the organization, the leadership role is expanded by…

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#favouritemodels No. 29 - Virtual Collaboration

The fact that trust and the quality of relationships have a decisive influence on teamwork is something that most people have probably known for a…

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Susanne Stock

#favouritemodels No. 28 - WRAP - Four hurdles of good decision-making and how you can overcome them.

Decisions are always made under uncertainty. Especially in today's complexity, no one fully sees through how things are interrelated, and it is hardly…

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#favouritemodel No. 27 - The GRIP model

"Manage the fishtank - not the fish" (quoted from William Tate, Institute for Systemic Leadership). To be honest, this quote is a #favouritemodel in…

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Susanne Stock

#favouritemodels No. 26 - A systemic perspective on conflicts

How can my colleague behave so inappropriately? He's upsetting the whole team!

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Marc Chmielewski

#favouritemodel No. 25 - Designing culture in a deliberate way

Culture emerges from the sum of repetitive behaviors in a particular context. With this understanding, we are not defenseless in the face of our…

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Karen Krogel

#favouritemodel No. 24 - Dealing with complex tasks

When was the last time when you answered a co-worker who came to you with a problem, "Well, I understand your problem 100% and I can tell you: if you…

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Katrin Aust

#favouritemodel No. 23 - Feedback

If you ask employees what they miss most in their day-to-day work, the answer you will hear is: honest feedback.

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