Thomas Allmang

Project Partner

    Katrin Aust


    As a trainer and consultant, I support my clients closely in their area of responsibility. It is particularly important to me to both encourage and challenge my client’s personal and professional skills. I like working together to achieve a result I pass on the enjoyment I get from my work and make sure there are plenty of opportunities for learning and development by offering a variety of different methods. I am an attentive listener when there are issues that are not clear but will also address topics which might otherwise be quietly overlooked.

    Susann Blankenhagel

    Project Partner

    In my professional career I have often seen how changes within an organization were implemented successfully, mostly because of the involvement and commitment of the employees. I wish to support my customers in exactly this. I am guided by a positive view of human nature in which everyone has the right to be acknowledged and valued because of his individual competencies and needs. My work style is a holistic consideration of the starting position, sparring at eye leveland constructive solution orientation.

      Andrea Böckle

      Project Partner

      The cornerstone of my activity as a consultant is working together with the client to draw up a focused range of objectives. Taking into account all the different stakeholders and the[nbsp][nbsp] prevailing corporate culture, we work out in detail where the journey will take us. This basis allows us to define and implement actions that are tailored to the client’s needs and deliver the value added that the client is looking for. I love trying out unconventional paths and playing devil´s advocate. As a trainer for leadership, communication and change, I create a learning environment that enables the learner to reflect on his/her own actions and to try out new ways of doing things. Ultimately, my vision is to support the client in finding his own solutions that make it more likely that his own goals will be achieved.

        Jairo Bonfim Mein

        Marketing & Communications

          Whitney Breer

          Project Partner

          I value transparency and honesty when working with clients and truly listening to their needs and understanding their goals. I bring a positive mindset, a can-do attitude, and compassion when working with individuals, teams, and organizations. I like to look at things systemically – from as many angles as possible - to deliver the most sustainable solution I can.

            Marc Chmielewski

            Managing Director

            As an expert in leadership, communication and change, I have a clear idea of what I can achieve and only take on projects where I know I can make a real difference. If clients are actively involved in shaping the content of the development process, the result will be a practicable and sustainable result. My clients are experts in their own field and I approach them as an equal partner and help them to tap into their own resources. By working together and using concrete experiences, we are able to see the direct benefit of the development. I often take a step back as a consultant thus allowing things to unfold more freely.

            Daniel Dücker

            Project Partner

            The most important basis for working co-creatively with clients is confidentiality, commitment and loyalty.

            Building on that, my way of working is goal-focused and systemic. The main idea guiding my actions in the joint development of solutions is empowerment and resource-focus.

              Bjorn Frederick

              Managing Director Movendo LATAM

              I am passionate about learning, and facilitating learning. My inner energy comes from 3 engines: curiosity, the desire to do something better and better, and being challenged. Fortunately my projects and my clients provide me all these valuable ingredients. My executive and academic background helps me to connect business problems to tools and theories.

                Sabine Hahn

                Project Partner

                In my role as a consultant, I consider myself as a " sparring partner " - I advise, coach or train, depending on what the client needs most in the respective context. Professionalism, authenticity and empathy are very important to me.

                Thomas Hake

                Project Partner

                  Christian Hohlweck

                  Project Partner

                  Managers and companies have trusted me for over 20 years to jointly improve and model relationships, processes and collaboration within their organisations. Creating “the NEW” together, fostering trust, experimentation and finding creative solutions, our curiosity and acceptance of contradicting positions and a transparent structure that gives security in uncertainty make us successful here. I always draw from several of my sources (consultancy, my own corporate experience, coaching, psychology, process design, facilitation, humour, zeitgeist ...) and I am grateful for constantly learning something new with my customers.

                    Anette Hühold

                    Project Management

                      Birgit Jakubus

                      Project Management

                        Bernd Köpke

                        Project Partner

                        As a coach and trainer with over 15 years’ experience, I am a committed facilitator of change and development processes for individual leaders, teams as well as whole organisational units. My mission is to help others develop their own potential, see challenges as learning processes and work with others to find concrete solutions. In so doing, they’re allowed to have fun as I do and enjoy the successes. That is my contribution - to create a world people want to be a part of.

                        Karen Krogel


                        There is one sentence that guides me doing this: "You always have a choice." This sentence helps to broaden your horizon and reminds you that there might always be another perspective to your own point of view. On the other hand it shows that everybody is master of their own decisions. Even when one way seems to be given, you always have the choice to take it or not. In my trainings and coachings I encourage you to share this attitude and not to be satisfied with one perspective or one (obvious) solution, but to discover many different options and play with them until you make the best choice for yourself.

                        Caroline Lewis

                        Project Partner

                          Terry Maloney


                          For the last 25 years my work has involved creating a meaningful setting that supports sustainable learning. The focus of this activity has been mainly on helping people to develop their leadership competence but has also touched all areas of working life where the ability to communicate effectively is the key driver of personal effectiveness. In the course of designing and delivering seminars and workshops for clients in over 30 countries all over the world, I have also gone through a learning process about how people learn in different cultures and business contexts.

                            Beate Metz

                            Marketing & Communications

                              Peter Osang

                              Project Partner

                              Even the most tricky communicative challenges can be better worked on with a dash of cheerful composure. I support those involved in the process with my resource- and solution-oriented approach in order to develop concrete and realisable ideas with which they can work immediately. And I draw a lot of energy and joy from being allowed to accompany people in discovering new perspectives.

                                Rajesh Parekh

                                  Pascale Parodi

                                  In my role as a trainer, it is particularly important for me to encourage the development of group intelligence by enabling and creating a useful learning context in collaboration with the participants. From their mutual wealth of experience, valuable suggestions arise that are concretely connected to their professional reality. My attitude as a facilitator is like the role of a coach in which good questions, not given answers, make the difference.

                                    Susann Patuschka


                                    Mark Procter

                                    Project Partner

                                      Anne-Marie Reinecker

                                      Managing Director

                                      In a world with constantly changing requirements and framework conditions, it can quickly happen that an organization, executive or team loses the red thread and feels less agile. As a consultant and trainer I look behind the façade together with my clients, uncover causes and accompany them in finding starting points to remain flexible and flexible in today's world. In addition, I also ask unusual questions in order to jointly design a solution that is tailored to needs.

                                      Sabine Renner


                                        Ralf Schneider

                                        Project Partner

                                        In my interactions with people, it is very important to me to create a good climate for discussion and debate that is characterised by openness and constructive cooperation. Regular reflections in the meetings help to explore the value of what has been learned and to flexibly adapt the approach as needed. The systemic approach is always at the forefront of what we do. Accompaniment and encouragement characterise my working style. At the end of my work I look forward to feedback. And if this feedback is "That did me good" or "That brought me further", it fills me with joy.

                                          Laura Schwan

                                          Project Partner

                                          The main focus of my work as a trainer, coach or consultant is to accompany and support my clients in clarification and development processes. I attach particular importance to practical relevance, solution orientation and attentiveness to oneself and one's environment.

                                            Khalid Siraj

                                              Mirja Stille


                                              As a consultant I support training courses on leadership development, leadership culture and team workshops - both virtually and in person. My focus is on providing support in the areas of leadership development and team development.

                                                Susanne Stock

                                                Project Partner

                                                In my work as a consultant and coach for leadership and work/life balance topics, I have become fascinated in the interaction between people and their environment. People shape their environment and are influenced by it at the same time. This results in a highly complex dynamic. And if the desire for change arises, ‘simple’ solutions are often not enough. I help my clients to take a deeper look below the surface and to try and understand the dynamics of their working life. This results in new perspectives and different approaches to finding solutions which in turn helps to find new ways of getting things going again.

                                                Lucia Westdickenberg

                                                Project Partner

                                                In my work with clients, I take on very different roles. As a soundboard I encourage my counterpart to consciously hear and develop his own sound, his own potential. As a kaleidoscope, I invite my counterpart to get a new view of their reality through small twisting movements. Like a truffle pig I track down strengths, potentials, ideas and solutions together with my counterpart in the earth of everyday life and as a pilot, together with my counterpart I look at the big picture by looking at interaction, communication and organisation patterns from a bird's eye view.

                                                Juliane Wiktorin


                                                I am an enthusiastic partner who takes great pleasure in designing and trying out something new with others in an atmosphere of trust. It is my aspiration to provide a good framework for learning and change processes by means of meaningful design. It is equally important for me to facilitate events and to awaken people’s interest in each other so that they can not only learn with each other but also from each other.

                                                Wiebke Witt

                                                Project Partner

                                                A consistently positive image of people, humour and flexibility are important to me. I believe in the power of self-organization and that communication can succeed. And to my children I always say: "I help people to talk to each other better."

                                                Biran Yilancioglu

                                                Project Partner