"In order to take the right steps forward in today's world, it is necessary to look beyond the end of one's nose."

Personal aspects

What I most like to do on a sunny summer weekend is…

A long ride on my horse through meadows and forests – with the occasional break for a piece of cake or carrot in the sun. This can be with company too.

What is the perfect start to the day for you?

A perfect start to the day is when I wake up and the sun is already shining, there’s good music on the radio and enough time for breakfast. Preferably muesli and fruit.

Was muss für einen gelungenen Urlaub „dabei“ sein?

Auf jeden Fall das Meer, am liebsten die Ostsee. Neben einer Menge Sonne darf es dann auch gern mal einen Tag so richtig stürmen.

What I most like to do on a rainy weekend is…

It may be a cliché but I like to spend a rainy weekend on the sofa with a good book and a cup of tea. Otherwise a weekend like this is also ideally suited to a visit to the thermal springs.

What profession would you like to try out?

Nowadays I would like to be a judge for a day - probably in a juvenile or family court. After Sociology, Law was my second choice and because justice is high up in my values I would like to give this profession a try.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

As we lived near to the local hospital’s helicopter pad, I always wanted to become a helicopter pilot. However, my fear of heights brought me back to earth. But I still find the job fascinating today.

Bei welchem Film hattest du einmal so richtig Angst?

Das ist schon lange her und war bei dem Film “The Blair Witch Project“. Horrorfilme schaue ich seitdem nicht mehr.

What does your desk normally look like?

Apart from my laptop, a large monitor and usually a full cup of coffee or tea, my desk always contains lots of material: Post-its, various pens and notepaper. Depending on the assignment, it might get a bit chaotic but I clear it up in the evening to make space for new things the next morning.

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